
Giving Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The purpose of Giving Tuesday is to bring the nonprofit community together and offer donors a convenient opportunity to make a difference by supporting their favorite charities. In Life-Study Fellowship, our goal is to make the World a more positive and prayerful place.

Life-Study Fellowship depends on its Members’ generosity to help those who may be lonely, hungry for prayer, or have a general feeling of hopelessness in their lives. We want to continue to be able to send Faith Magazine to those seeking God’s guidance, even when they are not able to contribute with their own monetary donations.

Our Fellowship is made up of people all around the World who show genuine compassion and a will to help others as well as themselves. Your support for our work helps us raise awareness about the importance of our mission to inspire and strengthen the faith of people everywhere.

We are sincerely grateful for your prayers and support.

Giving Tuesday 2022
