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A Gift For You…

Just in time for Your Summertime Outings…
Life-Study Fellowship’s Recipes From Your Friends
E-Cookbook Summer Edition

Our Fellowship Members really have a lot in common. They share faith and friendship, and a remarkable talent for cooking food that tastes good and is easy to prepare.  And our convenient E-Cookbook features some treasured recipes sent in by Fellowship Friends for you to enjoy throughout the summer.

You can make a donation for the E-Cookbook or accept it as our gift.  On the back page is a convenient form for you to send in your favorite recipe to share with your Fellowship Friends.

CLICK HERE To download your E-Cookbook Summer Edition as our gift to you.


CLICK HERE To make a Donation. Your gift will help Fellowship continue it’s good work.

Please feel free to forward this to friends and family that you think might enjoy our summer recipes.